What is The Urban Flâneur?

The Urban Flâneur is a platform that delves into the world of fashion from an informative and educational perspective.

We live in an era where we are constantly bombarded with messages to consume and keep up with the latest trends, but do we truly understand their origins? Who are the creative minds behind these collections, and who dictates what's in vogue and what's not?

The Urban Flâneur seeks to answer these questions by meticulously analyzing fashion collections, uncovering the roots of each trend, and exploring the reasoning behind them.

Moreover, The Urban Flâneur takes its readers on a journey through cities, seeking to capture the essence of each location, often in the subtlest of details that some might overlook.

At The Urban Flâneur, we believe in cherishing the small things in life and magnifying the beauty that surrounds us. It's a place where the intricacies matter, and where the richness of life is celebrated.

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Who is behind The Urban Flâneur

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M  I  R  E  I  A     T  O   M  À  S

Content & Digital Marketer with over 6 years of experience working for various companies in the Marketing department.

I hold a degree in Humanities and completed a postgraduate program in Fashion Communication and Journalism at UPF.

My journey in the field of communication began at the age of 16, collaborating on local radio programs and contributing to specialized fashion and trend blogs.

The Urban Flâneur is my personal project where I showcase my expertise in marketing and the world of fashion on a single platform.

Content & Digital Marketer