Route: Paris - Bordeaux - Bruges

Mireia Tomàs
April 30, 2023

Paris: oh la la

We begin the adventure by taking a train from Barcelona to Cerbere, and from there, heading towards Paris.

7:00 in the morning, the train arrives at Paris-Austerlitz station. It's time to have a croissant and a pain au chocolat. Walking through the streets of Paris on an early Saturday morning is incredible. The city feels different, with hardly any cars and the characteristic Parisian fog.

As I walk the streets of Paris towards the Louvre, I am fascinated by the facades of the Parisian houses.

9:00, we arrive at the queue to enter the Louvre because I couldn't go to Paris and not see one of the most beautiful sculptures, Eros and Psyche by Antonio Canova.

After spending 5 hours inside the museum, it's time to recharge with one of the best coffees in the city. If you're in Paris, Kitsuné is a must-visit (especially if you're passionate about coffee).

Spontaneous trips have the magic of discovering magnificent things, like the restaurant Guli, with delicious Chinese cuisine, a cozy and sheltered space, and affordable prices. I'll leave the address here for you to keep.

Now, off to the Eiffel Tower, passing through Champs-Élysées. It's priceless to be able to lie down in the Champ de Mars and enjoy the tower.

After regaining strength, it's time to catch the next train to Bordeaux.

Bordeaux: A city with lots of life

Bordaux: A city with lots of life

Leaving the bustling city behind, I head to Bordeaux, a city that I initially wouldn't have thought of visiting, but later fascinated me.

The Gothic cathedral is incredibly beautiful, and every corner of its streets holds beauty. What I love the most is the wide variety of culinary options available.

This time, I tried the brunch at Blue Velvet, an amazing restaurant. I would definitely go again.

Bruges: More than just waffles and chocolate

Last stop, Bruges. I had always been told that Bruges was a captivating destination, and they were right.

Its canals, cobblestone streets, and the circulating carriages (a tourist attraction) highlight the beauty of the city.

As you probably know, it's important to try their famous waffles in Bruges. This time, I had one with dark chocolate, and it was... incredible.

The end

Like every trip, there comes a moment to say goodbye. It truly has been a route that I would recommend if you need to escape your routine and, as they say nowadays, go with the flow. So, as expected, to bid farewell to this journey, I have a cup of coffee and move on to the next adventure.

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Mireia Tomàs
Content & Digital Marketer